Retrieve Viber Single Message by Tracking Id

Retrieve tracking information for a Viber single message.


trackingIdThe tracking Id of the Viber message. It is used to identify the message.
toThe recipient's phone number.
fromThe name of the sender Id. Identifies from whom the message is sent.
countryCountry name of the recipient's phone number.
statusInformation about the status of the Viber message.
status.statusThe current status of the Viber message.
Check here for possible values.
status.reasonThe reason of the status.
status.reason.detailedStatusThe current detailed status.
Check here for details.
status.reason.descriptionThe description of the detailed status.
status.dateThe updated date of the status.
applicationNameThe name of the application that was used to send this message.
originatingServiceThe service that sent this message.
directionThe direction of this message (outbound or inbound).
ttlTime range until message expires.
messageThe text of the Viber message.
priceThe cost of this message.
imageURLThe URL of the image.
viberActionRepresents the action (button) of the Viber message.
viberAction.captionThe displayed text on the button.
viberAction.targetUrlThe action which should be executed, when the recipient clicks on the button.
viberFileRepresents the file of the Viber message.
viberFile.fileNameThe name of the file.
viberFile.fileTypeThe type of the file.
viberFile.fileUrlThe URL of the file.
viberVideoRepresents the Viber video of the Viber message.
viberVideo.videoURLThe URL where the video is hosted.
viberVideo.videoThumbnailThe URL of a thumbnail for the video.
viberVideo.fileSizeThe file size in MB.
viberVideo.durationThe video duration in seconds.
sessionMessageIndicates a Viber Single is a Viber Session if the value is true. False by default. Learn more about session messaging at our documentation.
expireOnDeliveryFalse by default.


404404019006viberTracking was not found.