Email API v.2 - Responses Summary

Email Plus HTTP API will return a tracking id or a meaningful error code should an error occur.

Response on success

When the response HTTP Code is 200 OK message body contains a JSON with a single property called trackingId.
This property may be used at later stages to retrieve the message status.

trackingIdStringThe tracking id of the transactional email execution

Table 1. HTTP 400

When an error occurs due to data passed by the client, the system returns one of the following extended code to clarify the exact reason.

000000InvalidDomainThe provided sender domain is invalid. It needs to get added and verified to be used.
000001InvalidSenderThe provided sender is invalid. It needs to get added and verified to be used.
000002UnverifiedSenderThe provided sender is unverified. It needs to get verified to be used.
000004NoActiveSubscriptionNo active transactional email subscription exists
000005InsufficientResourcesExceptionIn case resources are not enough to send email (depleted or limited)