JUMP TOAUTHENTICATIONGet authenticated using your application credentialspostTEXT MESSAGINGSend an SMSpostCallback - SMS Delivery reportsInbound SMSAnalyse an SMS messagepostSend Bulk Messages - CampaignspostAnalyze Bulk Messages - CampaignspostTrack an SMSgetTrack multiple messages for a specific bulk send out - campaigngetTrack multiple messages with filters for a specific time rangepostRetrieve the countries that are supported by Quiet Hours featuregetUpdate a scheduled bulk send out - campaignputDelete a scheduled bulk send out - campaigndeleteRetrieve details for a bulk send out - campaigngetNUMBERSView all the available numbersgetView all the available numbers with filterspostRent a NumberpostUpdate a NumberputView all your numbersgetCancel a NumberdeletePOOLS APICreate a PoolpostSend SMS using a PoolpostDelete a PooldeleteEdit a PoolputRetrieve all the Pools of an accountgetRetrieve info for a specific PoolgetRetrieve the Numbers that belongs to a specific PoolgetAdd a Number to a poolputDelete a number from a pooldeleteVOICE CONVERSATIONPerform a voice conversationpostRetrieve Conversation by TrackingIdgetRetrieve Conversation dial TrackinggetRetrieve a Conversation RecordinggetROUTEE DIALPLAN CONTROL VERBSDialplans & VerbsPLAY VerbSAY VerbDIAL VerbPAUSE VerbCOLLECT VerbVOICE CALL HANDLINGHangup/reject an active callputTransfer an active callpostStart playing an audio file to an active callpostStop playing an audio file to an active calldeleteStart playing a text-to-speech message to an active callpostStop playing a text-to-speech message to an active calldeleteStart recording an active callpostStop recording an active calldeleteSend DTMF tones to an active callpostVOICE MESSAGINGSend a Voice CampaignpostAnalyze a Voice CampaignpostTrack multiple voice messages with filters for a specific time rangepostDelete a scheduled Voice campaigndeleteRetrieve Voice Message TrackinggetRetrieve Voice Trackings by CampaigngetWhatsappSend a Whatsapp campaignpostRetrieve Whatsapp Campaign infogetRetrieve Whatsapp Campaign historygetSubmit Whatsapp Template for reviewpostRetrieve Whatsapp template statusgetSetup WebhookpostTELEGRAM APISend Verification MessagepostCheck Send AbilitypostRevoke Verification MessagepostCheck Verification StatuspostVIBERSend a Viber CampaignpostRetrieve Viber Trackings by CampaigngetDelete a scheduled Viber campaigndeleteGet all Viber Session Messages by a Phone NumberpostGet Viber Session Messages by a Session IdgetSend a Viber Single MessagepostRetrieve Viber Single Message by Tracking IdgetSend a Viber Verification Message (OTP)postFAILOVERSend a Failover MessagepostRetrieve Failover trackingsgetTrack multiple failover messsages with filters for a specific time rangepostEmail ValidatorPerform an Email Validator requestpostTrack an Email Validator requestgetTrack multiple Email Validator requests with filters based on specific time rangepostNUMBER LOOKUPPerform a Lookup enquiry for a mobile numberpostTrack a Number Lookup requestgetTrack multiple Number Lookup requests with filterspostNUMBER VALIDATIONValidate a phone numberpostTWO FACTOR AUTHENTICATIONPerform a verificationpostRetrieve a verification statusgetCancel a pending verificationdeleteConfirm a verification by its IDpostGet Statistic Reports for all your account verificationsgetRetrieve Verification Statistics for any of your account applicationsgetIP WhitelistingIP whitelisting set uppostUpdate the IP whitelisting of APIpatchDelete all IP whitelisting settings for APIdeleteGet whitelisted IP's for an applicationgetURL ServicesPerform a URL analysispostURL ShortenerURL shortenerpostGet shorten URL info for monitoring purposesgetGet paged analyticsgetGet a list of available domainsgetACCOUNTCheck your account BalancegetGet pricing for all Routee ServicesgetGet your account transactionsgetSTATISTIC REPORTSView Volume and Price Analytics for a range of MessagesgetView Volume and Price Analytics for a specific countrygetView Volume and Price Analytics for a specific country and NetworkgetView Volume and Price Analytics for a specific bulk send out - campaigngetView Time Summary Analytics for a range of MessagesgetView Time Summary Analytics for a countrygetView Time Summary Analytics for a country and a networkgetView Time Summary Analytics for a bulk send out - campaigngetView Volume and Price Analytics for a range of Lookup RecordsgetView Volume and Price Analytics for a range of Number Validator RecordsgetCONTACTSCreate a new contactpostDelete multiple contactsdeleteRetrieve all the contactsgetRetrieve details about a contactgetUpdate a contact's detailsputDelete a contactdeleteAdd contacts to blacklistpostGet blacklisted contacts for servicegetRemove a group of contacts from the blacklistdeleteRemove Contacts from blacklistdeleteRetrieve the account's contact labelsgetCreate LabelspostRetrieve the account's groupsgetRetrieve the account's groups in paged formatgetRetrieve one of the account's groupsgetCreate a new grouppostDelete GroupsdeleteMerge multiple groupspostCreate group from differencepostView the Contacts of a specified groupgetRemove Contacts of a specified groupdeleteAdd Contacts to a specified grouppostPush notificationsSend a Single Push NotificationpostRetrieve the details of a Push NotificationgetEmail API v.2Email API v.2 - AuthorizationpostEmail API v.2 - Request Fields SummaryEmail API v.2 - Sending Transactional Email HTTP APIpostEmail API v.2 - From Object ExplainedEmail API v.2 - To Object ExplainedEmail API v.2 - CC Object ExplainedEmail API v.2 - BCC Object ExplainedEmail API v.2 - Reply To Object ExplainedEmail API v.2 - Subject property ExplainedEmail API v.2 -Content Object ExplainedEmail API v.2 - Attachments Object ExplainedEmail API v.2 - Footer Object ExplainedEmail API v.2 - Custom headers Object ExplainedEmail API v.2 - Responses SummaryEmail API v.2 - Callback Object ExplainedEmail API v.2 - DSN Object ExplainedEmail API v.2 - emailAddress Object ExplainedEmail API v.2 - SendGrid facade - compatibility LayerpostEmail API v.2 - SMTP Connection CredentialsEmail API v.2 - Retrieving a list of domainsgetEMAIL API v.1 - AuthorizationEmail API v.1 - AuthorizationpostEMAIL API v.1 - Mailing ListsCreating a mailing listpostEditing a mailing listputRetrieving a list of mailing listsgetRetrieving mailing list informationgetGet a list of variables for a mailing listgetRetrieving a list of emails from a mailing listgetGet total number of contacts in mailing listgetFind all contacts in mailing list by value of variablegetAdding emails to a mailing listpostDeleting emails from a mailing listdeleteRetrieving information for specific email address from a mailing listgetErasing a mailing listdeleteCalculating the cost of a campaign carried out by a mailing listgetEMAIL API v.1 - Campaigns/TemplatesTemplate creationpostEdit templatepostGet info about templategetRetrieving a list of all templates in the accountgetCreating a campaignpostEditing planned campaignpatchCampaign informationgetRetrieving information for a specific email address from a specific campaigngetRetrieving the list of campaignsgetRetrieving a list of campaigns created by this bookgetCountry statisticsgetReferrals statisticsgetCancelling a campaigndeleteEMAIL API v.1 - SendersRetrieving a list of all of the sendersgetAdding a senderpostDeleting a senderdeleteActivating a senderpostReceiving the activation code at the sender’s email addressgetEMAIL API v.1 - AddressesRetrieve general information for a specific email addressgetRetrieve detail information about a specific email addressgetRetrieve general information about bulk of email addresspostErasing an email address from all mailing listsdeleteRetrieving statistics for an email address by campaignsgetRetrieving statistics for email addresses by campaigns and presence in listspostChanging variable for an email contactpostEMAIL API v.1 - Blacklist / BalanceViewing the blacklistgetBlacklisting an email addresspostUnsubscribe contact from the defined mailing listgetErasing an email address from the blacklistdeleteChecking the user’s balancegetDetailed balance infogetEMAIL API v.1 - SMTPSending an emailpostRetrieving a list of emailsgetRetrieving total amount of sent emailsgetRetrieving information for a specific emailgetRetrieving information for list of emailspostRetrieving bounces per 24 hoursgetGet total amount of bouncesgetUnsubscribing a recipientpostErasing from the unsubscribed listdeleteRetrieving the list of unsubscribedgetRetrieving the sender’s IP addressgetRetrieving a list of allowed domainsgetAdding a domainpostNew domain verificationgetWaymore APIMass APIpostEvents data APIpostUnsubscribe contact from the defined mailing listget https://emailapi.routee.net/addressbooks/{id}/emails/unsubscribe