totalPages | The number of total pages. |
last | Whether the current page is the last one. |
totalElements | The total amount of elements for the current search. |
first | Whether the current page is the first one. |
numberOfElements | The number of elements currently on this page. |
number | The requested page number. |
size | The requested page size. |
content | Contains the search results. |
content.msisdn | The phone number. | | The country code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format. | | The supported services. |
content.inboundCosts | Information about inbound message costs. |
content.inboundCosts.price | The price per inbound message. |
content.inboundCosts.currency | The currency of the price. |
content.inboundCosts.service | The service that the inbound message price is referred to. |
content.monthlyCosts | Information about costs per month. |
content.monthlyCosts.price | The cost of the number per month. |
content.monthlyCosts.currency | The currency of the price. |
content.activationCosts | Information about activation costs. |
content.activationCosts.price | The activation cost of the number. |
content.activationCosts.currency | The currency of the price. |
content.chargeInterval | The time interval used for charging the inbound calls (in seconds). |
content.tollFree | Whether the number is Toll-Free. |