put https://connect.routee.net/numbers/my/
trackingId | The trackingId of the number. |
msisdn | The phone number. Formated with a '+' and country code e.g., +3069485xxxxx (E.164 format). |
country | The country code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format. |
services | The supported services. |
inboundCosts | Information about inbound message costs. |
inboundCosts.price | The price per inbound message. |
inboundCosts.currency | The currency of the price. |
inboundCosts.service | The service that the inbound message price is referred to. |
monthlyCosts | Information about costs per month. |
monthlyCosts.price | The cost of the number per month. |
monthlyCosts.currency | The currency of the price. |
activationCosts | Information about activation costs. |
activationCosts.price | The activation cost of the number. |
activationCosts.currency | The currency of the price. |
inboundSmsCallbackUrl | The defined callback URL that will receive the inbound messages. |
voiceInboundStrategy | Represents the voice inbound strategy. |
voiceInboundStrategy.dialplanUrl | The defined dialplan URL. |
inboundVoiceCallbackUrl | The defined callback URL that will receive the inbound voice messages. |
nextRenewal | The date that the msisdn will automatically renew at. |