Retrieve the details of a Push Notification

Retrieve the details of a Push Notification by trackingId.


trackingIdThe tracking id of the Push Notification.
implementationIdThere should be an implementation with the particular id that belongs to the accountId. Not Blank.
serviceMessageIdThe message id that Firebase returns in the response of the Send Push Notification endpoint.
ownerIdentifies the owner, i.e. account and application of the user who sent the Push Notification.
owner.accountIdIdentifier of the account.
owner.applicationIdIdentifier of the application.
statusInfoProvides information about the final status of the Push Notification.
statusInfo.statusAvailable statuses are as follows:
SENT: Push Notification was successfully sent;
QUEUED: This is the initial status. This means that the process was started and this contains some extra operations like checking the balance, charging, and retrieving the credentials before sending the message to the Firebase;
FAILED: Push Notification failed, i.e., the notification could not be accepted by Routee Platform or Firebase. If Firebase returns an error, the error message is reflected in the reason field.
statusInfo.datePush Notification status date.
statusInfo.reasonVisible only for FAILED status.
priceThe price that was set.
price.costThe cost of the sent Push Notification.
price.currencyCurrency name.
statusesArray of all previous statuses that the Push Notification had before the final one. Note that the statusInfo object provides information about the final status.
statuses.statusAvailable statuses are as follows:
SENT: Push Notification was successfully sent;
QUEUED: This is the initial status. This means that the process was started and this contains some extra operations like checking the balance, charging, and retrieving the credentials before sending the message to the Firebase;
FAILED: Push Notification failed, i.e., the notification could not be accepted by Routee Platform or Firebase. If Firebase returns an error, the error message is reflected in the reason field.
statuses.datePush Notification status date.
deviceTokenDevice token. It is used to identify a specific device.
deviceToken.typeDevice token type: ANDROID, APPLE, WEB.
deviceToken.tokenNot Blank.
bodyThe notification's body which contains the following fields: title, text, forceLocale.
body.titleThe notification's title. Map: (Key) not blank, language - ISO 639-1; (Value) not blank.
body.textThe notification's text. Map: (Key) not blank, language - ISO 639-1; (Value) not blank.
body.forceLocaleLocalization settings. Switches body.title and body.text to the selected language; body.title and body.text should contain an entry with forceLocale as their key. Not null, language - ISO 639-1.
imageUrlURL that should begin with https://
configDevice-specific parameters.
config.typeDevice type: apn, android, web.
config.localizedTitleThe key to the title string in the app's string resources to use to localize the title text to the user's current localization.
config.localizedTextThe key to the body string in the app's string resources to use to localize the body text to the user's current localization.
config.ttlIn seconds. Min: 0. Max: 2.419.200. Default: same as Firebase (current: 2.419.200).
callbackUrlURL that should begin with https://
dataThis parameter specifies the custom key-value pairs of the message's payload.
For example, with data:{"score":"3x1"}:
On Apple platforms, if the message is sent via APNs, it represents the custom data fields. If it is sent via FCM, it would be represented as key value dictionary in AppDelegate application:didReceiveRemoteNotification:.
On Android, this would result in an intent extra named score with the string value 3x1.
The key should not be a reserved word ("from", "message_type", or any word starting with "google" or "gcm").
Values in string types are recommended. You have to convert values in objects or other non-string data types (e.g., integers or booleans) to string.
data.keyNot Blank.
data.valueNot Blank.
createdAtDate of creation. Current server timestamp.


Please note that the error codes section will be updated!

4040100trackingId is invalid: "PushNotification not found".
400-trackingId is empty: "trackingId: must not be blank".