Track a Number Lookup request

You can get all the tracking information for a single Lookup record by providing its lookup id.


toThe number for which the lookup service was called.
labelThe label that the user may has provided when the lookup service was called.
lookupIdThe tracking id of the lookup request.
createdAtThe date that the look up request was performed.
statusInfoInformation about the lookup request status.
statusInfo.statusThe status of the look up request.
statusInfo.descriptionA more descriptive information about the status of the request.
statusInfo.updatedAtThe date that the request's status has been updated.
detailsDetails about the country and network of the number that the lookup request is performed.
details.mccThe mobile country code.
details.countryThe country of the specified number. country code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format. country name translated in the requested language. country name translated in its native language. code of the country in ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 format.
details.networkDetails about the network of the number that the look up request is performed. name of the number's network. code of the number's ported network.
details.imsiIs used to identify the user of a cellular network and is a unique identification associated with all cellular networks.
details.portedIndicates if the number's network has changed.
details.portedNetworkInformation about the ported network's code and name.
details.portedNetwork.nameThe name of the number's ported network.
details.portedNetwork.mncThe code of the number's ported network.
details.roamingNetworkInformation about the roaming network's code and name.
details.roamingNetwork.stateIndicates if the number is in roaming mode.
details.roamingNetwork.mccThe country code of the roaming network.
details.roamingNetwork.mncThe network code of the roaming network.
details.roamingNetwork.countryThe country name of the roaming network.
details.roamingNetwork.countryIsoCodeThe country code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 form
details.roamingNetwork.networkThe network name of the roaming network.
applicationNameThe name of the application which executed the lookup.
priceThe price of the Lookup Operation.


403400001009User is not authenticated.
404400005000User is not found.
404400005000LookupTracking not found.