Get Viber Session Messages by a Session Id


Session messages come in chronological order by default, meaning the oldest is first leading up to the most recent one.

Response parameters

sessionIdStringThe session id of the session that includes the messages in the session array.
sessionArray of Message objectsAn array of session messages between the Viber Business account and its customer.
totalElementsIntegerThe total amount of elements for the current search.

Message object

campaignStringThe name of the campaign that initiated the session.
campaignTrackingIdStringThe tracking id of the campaign.
toStringThe recipient of the message.
fromStringThe sender of the message.
countryStringThe country of the recipient. (If applicable)
statusStatus objectThe object with the status of the message.
applicationNameStringThe Routee application name that was used to generate the auth token for the API usage.
directionEnumerator StringThe direction of the message, possible values are Inbound, Outbound.
ttlStringTime range until message expires.
messageStringThe text of the viber message.
imageUrlStringThe url of the image.
fileFile objectAn object holding the variables of a file exchanged between BA and customer.

Status object

statusEnumerator StringThe current status of the viber message.
Check here for possible values.
dateStringThe updated date of the status.
reasonReason objectThe reason of the status.

Reason object

detailedStatusStringThe current detailed status.
Check here for details.
descriptionStringThe description of the detailed status.

File object

fileUrlStringThe url of the file sent / received.
fileTypeStringThe type of the file sent / received.
fileNameStringThe name of the file sent / received.

Viber Video object

videoUrlString (1000 max chars, only https)The URL where the video is hosted.
videoThumbnailString (1000 max chars, only https)The URL of a thumbnail for the Video.
fileSizeInteger (positive number, 200 max)The file size in MB.
durationInteger (positive number, 600 max)The video’s duration in seconds.


404404019020The viber session information was not found.