Track multiple failover messsages with filters for a specific time range


trackingIdthe tracking Id of the Failover message
applicationNameThe name of the application that was used to send this message.
campaignThe name of the campaign that this message was sent from.
countryThe country of the recipient in ISO 3166-1 alpha 2 format.
smsIdThe unique id of one SMS part included in the message. If the message is multipart then these values will be different for each part.
messageIdThe id of the message (trackingId). All the parts of a multipart SMS have the same messageId.
groupsThe groups that the recipient belongs to.
bodyThe message of the SMS.
operatorThe operator of the recipient.
originatingServiceThe service that sent this message.
toThe recipient.
latencyThe overall delivery latency of the message.
partsThe number of actual SMS parts.
partThe number of the current SMS part.
priceThe cost of this SMS part.
labelThe label of the SMS tracking.
statusInformation about the Sms status.
status.dateThe date that the status was reported.
status.statusThe status of the SMS tracking. Check here for possible values.
status.reasonThe reason of the status
status.reason.detailedStatusThe detailed status.
Possible values: Sent, Delivered, Undelivered, Failed, Undelivered on Handset, Unknown Number, Roaming, Call Barred, Unknown Status, Carrier Violation.
Check here for details.
status.reason.descriptionThe description of the detailed status
fromThe sender Id of the message
directionThe direction of the message. Possible values: "Inbound", "Outbound"
typeThe type of the flow channel. Supported values: Sms or Viber
body.textThe text of the viber message.
body.action.captionThe displayed text on the button.
body.action.targetUrlThe action which should be executed, when the recipient clicks on the button.
status.nameThe status of the SMS tracking. Check here for possible values.
status.reason.detailedStatusThe detailed status.
Possible values: Sent, Delivered, Undelivered, Failed, Undelivered on Handset, Unknown Number, Roaming, Call Barred, Unknown Status, Carrier Violation.
Check here for details.
status.reason.descriptionThe description of the detailed status
orderThe priority order of the channels used in the communication flow
ttlTime range until message expires.
expireOnDeliveryIf it's set to true then the service will set the status of the Delivered messages to Expired if the TTL value has passed and no Seen status has arrived. (Default value is false)
expiredOnDeliveryAtThe time of the seconds that the ttl will expire after the Delivered status.
failoverOnStatusesDefines the status which will trigger the next channel.
terminationChannelThe selected channel to terminate the communication flow
totalPriceThe total price
originatingServiceThe name of the service used
applicationIdThe application id used for the communication flow