View all your numbers


totalPagesThe number of total pages.
lastWhether the current page is the last one.
totalElementsThe total amount of elements for the current search.
firstWhether the current page is the first one.
numberOfElementsThe number of elements currently on this page.
numberThe requested page number.
sizeThe requested page size.
contentContains the search results.
content.trackingIdThe tracking id of the number.
content.msisdnThe msisdn (the phone number).
content.countryThe country code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format.
content.servicesThe supported services.
content.inboundCostsInformation about inbound message costs.
content.inboundCosts.priceThe price per inbound message.
content.inboundCosts.currencyThe currency of the price.
content.inboundCosts.serviceThe service that the inbound message price is referred to.
content.monthlyCostsInformation about costs per month.
content.monthlyCosts.priceThe cost of the per month.
content.monthlyCosts.currencyThe currency of the price.
content.activationCostsInformation about activation costs.
content.activationCosts.priceThe activation cost of the number.
content.activationCosts.currencyThe currency of the price.
content.inboundSmsCallbackUrlThe defined callback URL that will receive the inbound sms messages.
content.voiceInboundStrategyRepresents the voice inbound strategy.
content.voiceInboundStrategy.dialplanUrlThe defined dialplan URL.
content.inboundVoiceCallbackUrlThe defined callback URL that will receive the inbound voice messages.
content.nextRenewalThe date that the msisdn will automatically renew at.