Contacts resources overview

Resources Overview##

POST/contacts/myCreates or updates a new contact. If the contact with the given mobile number already exists, the contact will be updated, otherwise a new contact will be created.
DELETE/contacts/myDeletes all the specified contacts from the account.
GET/contacts/myRetrieves all the contacts of this account and sub-accounts.
GET/contacts/my/{id}Retrieves details for the contact with the given id.
PUT/contacts/my/{id}Updates the contact with the given id.
DELETE/contacts/my/{id}Deletes the contact with the given id.
HEAD/contacts/my/mobileDetermines whether a contact with the provided mobile number exists.
POST/contacts/my/blacklist/{service}Adds contacts to the opt-out contacts of the given service.
GET/contacts/my/blacklist/{service}Returns all the opt-outed contacts for the given service.
DELETE/contacts/my/blacklist/{service}/groupsRemoves contacts by groups from the opt-outed contacts of the given service.
GET/contacts/labels/myReturns all the contact labels that this account has defined (both default and custom).
POST/contacts/labels/myCreates contact labels for this account.
GET/groups/myCreates a new group.
DELETE/groups/myDeletes an array of groups.
POST/groups/my/mergeCreates a new group from the merge operation applied on the provided groups.
POST/groups/my/differenceCreates a new group from the difference operation applied on the provided groups.
GET/groups/my/{name}/contactsReturns all contacts of the provided "tag".
DELETE/groups/my/{name}/contactsDeletes the contacts that match the provided ids from the specified group.
POST/groups/my/{name}/contactsAdds existing contacts to a group.
DELETE/contacts/my/blacklist/{service}Removes contacts from the opt-outed contacts of the given service.

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