Get all scenarios for your account

This resource can be used to retrieve all the available created scenarios for your account.

URL: baseURL/scenario/{id}

Operation: GET


Content-Type: application/json

Example Response

  "scenario_id": "7280ecaa-a132-4908-8f26-c1ecbe138d98",
  "created_date": "2020-09-04T06:58:35Z",
  "updated_date": "2020-09-04T06:58:35Z",
  "settings": {
    "name": "string",
    "sticky_channel": true,
    "sticky_channel_ttl": 7,
    "psd2_compliant": false
  "pin_options": {
    "ttl": 320
  "security": {
    "rate_limiting": {
      "ip": true,
      "destination_number": true,
      "interval": 3,
      "max_attempts": 3
    "block_scores": [
      "high risk"
  "channels": [
      "flash": false,
      "transcode": true,
      "from": "Verify",
      "message": "Your PIN is @@pin",
      "channel": "sms",
      "next_event_in": 37,
      "order": 1
      "sender_info_tracking_id": "0094d198-4dd2-4fb5-b451-d46aca191b27",
      "message": "Dear customer your ACME inc PIN is @@pin",
      "channel": "viber",
      "next_event_in": 43,
      "order": 2
      "from": "ACME INC",
      "dtmf_required": true,
      "repeat": 3,
      "language": "en_US",
      "gender": "female",
      "next_event_in": 60,
      "message": "Dear customer your ACME inc PIN is @@pin",
      "channel": "voice",
      "order": 3
      "channel": "flashcall",
      "next_event_in": 30,
      "order": 5