Callback URL (WebHook)

Pool Callbacks##

Callbacks are notifications that you've asked Routee to send back to you when you send an SMS request using a Pool.

Pool Message Callback##

Your callback service will receive a POST HTTP request with the following request body for a message that is sent using Pools.


Pool Inbound Message Callback##

Your callback service will receive a POST HTTP request with the following request body for every inbound message to numbers that belong to a pool.

   "direction": "string",
   "from": "string",
   "message": "string",
   "parts": "number",
   "receivedDate": "string",
   "messageId": "string",
   "to": "string",
   "originatingService": "string",
   "price": "number"


Retry Policy

When Routee POSTs back to your service, an HTTP 200 OK response must be returned within 2 seconds. If Routee doesn't receive a 200 OK response within 2 seconds will drop the connection and will try to POST again (up 12 retries for 24 hours max) with the following retry policy after the initial callback attempt:

1st retry: 30 sec
2nd retry: 1 minute
3rd retry: 2 minutes
4th retry: 5 minutes
5th retry: 10 minutes
6th retry: 15 minutes
7th retry: 30 minutes
8th retry: 1 hour
9th retry: 2 hours
10th retry: 4 hours
11th retry: 8 hours
12th retry: 24 hours


Whitelist IP for callback service

Whitelist all the IPs that resolve to the following domain:
in order to be able to receive callback requests from Routee