Account statistics resources overview

Available Resources##

GET/reports/my/volPriceView Volume/Price summary analytics for a range of messages.
GET/reports/my/volPrice/perMccView Volume/Price summary analytics for a Country.
GET/reports/my/volPrice/perMccMncView Volume/Price summary analytics for a Country and Network.
GET/reports/my/volPrice/perCampaignView Volume/Price summary analytics for a campaign.
GET/reports/my/latencyView Time summary analytics for a range of messages.
GET/reports/my/latency/perCountryView Time summary analytics for a country.
GET/reports/my/latency/perMccMncView Time summary analytics for a country and a network.
GET/reports/my/latency/perCampaignView Time summary analytics for a campaign.
GET/reports/my/lookup/volPriceView Volume/Price summary analytics for a range of Lookup records.
GET/reports/my/numberValidator/volPriceView Volume/Price summary analytics for a range of Number Validation records.