Number Validation
Validate any phone number
You can use Number Validation API to retrieve validity information for a phone number. Number Validation API is a synchronous, easy-to-use web service.
As any phone number is concerned, you can:
- Retrieve the international and local format
- Find out about the country it is registered in
- Learn if it is a mobile phone, landline, virtual number or a Premium/Toll-Free number
- Identify the mobile country code and mobile network code (MNC/MCC) of a mobile phone number for routing outbound communication
- Discover if it is ported
- Get geo information regarding an IP or a provided URL
- Improve security checks by comparing the country of the provided phone number with the country of a provided IP or domain name.
- Through the Routee Platform, you can upload a CSV file up to 10mb. So, if the user has only 1 column with the phone numbers, you will be able to load around 800k phone numbers on each CSV file.
- The response rate is around 1000 number validations/ second.
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Updated almost 4 years ago
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