Routee Voice API provides the capability to:
- Build apps that scale with the technologies you already have.
- Control the flow of your inbound and outbound calls through Dialplans(link).
- Record your calls.
- Send text to speech messages in many languages using a male or female voice.
- Schedule prerecorded messages and send them to your contacts as a campaign.
In this document you will find:
- The requirements, in order to consume voice API’s.
- Correct usage of Dialplan verbs (link).
- Call handling information.
- Examples of different cases.
- Possible statuses of this API and the definition of them.
Dialplan Verbs- Routee Call Control Objects are a set of actions (verbs) that instruct Routee on how to control a call. For example, you can initiate or connect a call, send synthesized speech using SAY, PLAY verbs, or forward an active one with DIAL verb. The verbs are represented in JSON form as an array of objects. For more information see the Dialplan verbs
Numbers- The key concepts of using phone numbers in the Routee Voice API.
Webhooks- HTTP requests are made to your application web server so that you can act upon them. For example, an incoming call will perform an HTTP request by POSTing a specific payload.
Getting Started
##Using the API
The primary way that you'll interact with the Routee voice platform is via the voice API. For example, to place an outbound call, you make a POST request to https://connect.routee.net/voice/conversation.
Call flow: The various stages of a call and how to interact.
Numbers: Numbers are a key part of using the Routee Voice API. This guide covers number formatting, outgoing caller IDs and incoming call numbers.
Dialplan Verbs: In order to instruct Routee how to handle a phone call, you must provide Routee with a Dialplan Verb when a call is placed or answered. There are various actions available, such as SAY, DIAL, PLAY, PAUSE,COLLECT.
Recording: Recording the conversation between two callers.
DTMF: Capture user input by detecting DTMF tones (button presses) during a call.
Updated almost 6 years ago