Routee supports gzip encoding in all API responses by setting the following header:
Accept-Encoding | gzip,deflate |
The REST API allows the use of compression on the request and the response, using the standards defined by the HTTP 1.1 specification.
SMS Encoding##
For an overview of the standard GSM 03.38 check here.
More information on Routee's Encoding & Character Sets
Date Format##
All Datetimes in Routee are in UTC. Routee uses ISO 8601 date-time format in all JSON date fields.
Phone number Format##
All phone numbers should match the international format e.g. +3069xxxxxxxx. E.164 numbers are internationally standardized to a 15-digit maximum length.
Country format##
All Country names and short codes are encoded in ISO-3166 alpha 2 standard.
Currency format##
The currency code is in ISO-4217 format.
OAuth 2.0 Authentication access token(s) are base64 encoded
Updated almost 8 years ago