Inbound messages

The inboundUrl that you have defined in the body of the Viber campaign's request, will receive the inbound messages.

Your service will receive the following payload:

  "from": string,
  "to": string,
  "message": string,
  "sentDate": string,
  "campaignName": string,
  "campaignTrackingId": string,
  "referenceTrackingId": string,
  "direction": string,
  "media": string,
  "filename": string,
  "label": string
fromThe sender of the inbound message
toYour senderId
messageThe body of the inbound message
sentDateThe date that the inbound message was sent (ISO format)
campaignNameThe name of the Viber campaign
campaignTrackingIdThe tracking Id of the outbound Viber campaign
referenceTrackingIdThe tracking Id of the outbound Viber message (the message that this inbound message is referenced to)
mediaThe inbound media URL
fileNameThe inbound media name
labelA generic label using for tagging the viber campaign.

An example payload is shown below:

  "from": "+3069xxxxxxxx",
  "to": "your_sender_id",
  "message": "This is the body of the inbound message",
  "sentDate": "2017-08-11T12:36:45.393Z",
  "campaignName": "NameOfCampaign",
  "campaignTrackingId": "62d4a3cc-6f32-4ba2-b99a-b661fb27fdd5",
  "referenceTrackingId": "dcfa62e1-13af-459a-a6ca-f15727a0b830",
  "direction": "Inbound",
  "filename":"Viber file",
  "label": "Label of the campaign"

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